Supplementary comparison in tensile strength - APMP
The Final report of the supplementary comparison APMP.M.MM-S1has been approved and published in the KCDB. This is a comparison on tensile strength measurement at 600 MPa level in the field of Mass and related quantities in which 4 state economies participated.
Electricity and magnetism - EURAMET
13 new and revised CMCs in Radio frequency measurements have recently been published in the KCDB for Czechia, Italy, Germany and Switzerlandvia EURAMET, in the field of Electricity and magnetism.
Fluid flow - EURAMET
1 new CMC in Fluid flow has recently been published in the KCDB for Türkiye via EURAMET, in the field of Mass and related quantities.
Chemistry - APMP
7 new CMCs in gases and food contaminants analysis have recently been published in the KCDB for Japan and Indonesia via APMP in the field of Chemistry and biology.